Support Us
With your contribution, we can provide more resources and opportunities for underprivileged students, helping them reach their full potential and achieve academic success. By investing in education, we are investing in the future of Hong Kong.
Donate Now
Crossed Check
Make your check payable to "EdQuity Hong Kong Foundation Limited" and mail it to:
Unit 7 24/F, Treasure Center, No.42 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Directly deposit into the following account through bank counter services, ATMs, or online banking:
Bank Name: HSBC (The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited)
Account Number: 147-066153-838
Account Name: EdQuity Hong Kong Foundation Limited
Thank you for considering a donation to EdQuity Hong Kong Foundation Limited. Here are a few important points to note:
Is my donation to Edquity Hong Kong Foundation Limited tax-deductible in Hong Kong? Yes, as EdQuity Hong Kong Foundation Limited is a tax-exempt organization recognized by the Inland Revenue Department, donations of HKD $100 or above are eligible for tax deductions.
Do I need a receipt to apply for tax deduction in Hong Kong? Yes. When completing your tax return (BIR60), simply list the total donation amount for the year. The Inland Revenue Department will automatically calculate the deduction. You don’t need to submit the receipt with your tax return, but you will need it if the department requests proof. We will issue an official receipt for every donation. If you lose your receipt, please email us at to request a replacement.
For more information about tax deduction, please refer to the official Hong Kong government documentation, and ensure you understand these policies before donating.
Bank Transfer

In your PayMe app, use the "Pay business" tab to scan the following PayCode, or click this PayLink on a device with the PayMe app installed.
*HSBC charges 1.2% of your donation amount as transaction fee
Please use one of the following ways to make a donation to us. For us to issue an official receipt (for any amount), you must email the 1) deposit record (indicating the transaction amount and date), 2) your contact information (phone number), and 3) reciept title (indicating the name of our organization) to We will issue an official receipt for your donation in 5 - 7 days.

In your Alipay app, find our organization in the Charity Application, or click this link on a device with the Alipay app installed to access our charity page.
*Alipay charges 1.7% of your donation amount as transaction fee

Contact us
WhatsApp us at +852 9829 7377
Fill out this form
Reach out to learn about partnership and volunteering opportunities, or for support or donation inquiries.
"Honor the Lord with your wealth
and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine."
Proverbs 3:9-10
+852 9829 7377
EdQuity Hong Kong Foundation Limited © 2024
Registered Charity IR File No. 91/19551 is owned by